How to track and measure AutoChat’s performance

In the competitive automotive industry, ensuring your tools are running efficiently is critical to maintaining top-tier customer service. AutoChat is an AI-powered solution that handles customer interactions, but how can you track its performance? In this article, we’ll explore how to measure AutoChat’s effectiveness through analytics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and integration with existing platforms to optimise results for your business. 

Analytics and reporting 

 While AutoChat doesn’t have its own built-in analytics dashboard, it integrates effortlessly with Google Analytics. Meaning you can track several key performance indicators (KPIs), such as:  

  • The number of chats initiated and completed. 
  • Workshop and showroom appointments booked via chat. 
  • Frequency of specific chat flows. 
  • Number of leads generated through AutoChat. 

By tracking these events within your existing Google Analytics setup, you can easily measure AutoChat’s impact alongside your other business metrics. These KPIs offer valuable insights into how effectively AutoChat is driving customer engagement and delivering tangible results for your business. 

Accuracy, relevance, and long-term performance 

While AutoChat doesn’t provide direct metrics on the accuracy of its responses, it simplifies performance checks by offering short summaries of chat interactions. These summaries allow businesses to review conversations manually and provide feedback for improvement. AutoChat also monitors unusual chat behaviour, such as quick exits, to continuously enhance interaction quality. 

Additionally, AutoChat’s support team is always available to assist with performance-related queries and improvements. Regular updates are rolled out based on customer feedback and internal assessments, ensuring the tool stays effective and up to date. 

For long-term performance tracking, Google Analytics can be used to monitor trends through monthly or weekly reports. These reports offer insights into key metrics like chat usage, appointment bookings, and lead generation, helping businesses optimise AutoChat’s performance over time. 

Efficiency gains for your team 

Although it’s not always easy to measure the cost benefits directly, the efficiency gains from using AutoChat are significant. By automating repetitive tasks like answering common questions and booking appointments, AutoChat lightens the load for your support team, freeing them up to handle more complex customer issues. Meaning better use of your workforce, streamlined daily operations, and a more productive approach to customer service. In turn, this leads to a more efficient and scalable business, without the need for constant manual involvement. 

Ready to see AutoChat in action? 

Understanding how well AutoChat performs is key to making the most out of this powerful AI tool. By integrating with Google Analytics, you get a clear view of the key performance indicators that drive your business forward—whether it’s the number of chats initiated, leads generated, or appointments booked. AutoChat’s efficiency doesn’t just enhance customer engagement; it also empowers your team to focus on high-value tasks, reducing operational strain and improving overall productivity. 

Interested in how AutoChat can enhance your customer service and improve your team’s efficiency? Book a demo today to explore its full capabilities and see how it can drive your business forward. 


I'm Miguel Michiels, COO of AutoChat, a pioneering platform that's revolutionising AI-powered communication for car dealerships. My experience leading various customer support teams within the automotive industry has made me acutely aware of the importance of customer interactions. At the same time, I recognise the critical need for profitability and efficiency in the sector. With AutoChat, I believe we've found the perfect balance—enabling dealerships to serve a higher volume of clients while reducing operational costs.