AutoChat 的设计旨在通过增加客户互动的数量并降低运营成本来提升经销商的效率。作为一款 24/7 的数字 […]
五大知名 AI LLM 模型和公司:它们的区别以及何时使用它们
人工智能(AI)正在改变汽车行业,而在,我们利用其潜力来提升我们的服务。我们不断审查开 […]
管理一个成功的企业涉及许多动态环节,特别是在高效处理客户互动和确保每个部门在正确的时间提供正确的信息方面。在 […]
I'm Miguel Michiels, COO of AutoChat, a pioneering platform that's revolutionising AI-powered communication for car dealerships. My experience leading various customer support teams within the automotive industry has made me acutely aware of the importance of customer interactions. At the same time, I recognise the critical need for profitability and efficiency in the sector. With AutoChat, I believe we've found the perfect balance—enabling dealerships to serve a higher volume of clients while reducing operational costs.